Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Squeeze Poll: Has economy affected how you give?

Earlier today, Charlotte's Kasia Faryna introduced herself to Squeeze readers with a story about finding a different way to give after being laid off from a non-profit.

Kasia is a public affairs volunteer for the American Red Cross of Cabarrus County. "I felt obligated to find a new way to give back," she wrote.

Our Question of the Day: Has the recession caused you to cut back on giving? Answer over to the right, then come back and discuss, if you'd like.

Last night's results: We asked how long you could pay your bills if you lost your job tomorrow. There was no clear trend - 26 percent of respondents said six months or more, with 25 percent saying one month or more, 24 percent saying more than a year, and 23 percent saying less than one month.  


Anonymous said...

I'm giving about the same amount. I have 2 (church and alma mater) that are in my budget as long as I have a job. During the year, other appeals may catch my eye; for example buying groceries for Loaves and Fishes that I have also done.

Anonymous said...

Lower TAXES!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Kasia expressed an urge to 'give back". When people ask me to "give back", I always reply, "what did I take"?

When I worked for a major real estate firm in CLT and it came time for the "United Way- Gloria Pace King needs a new Lexus" fund raiser. we were always told to give back. But I did not take anything from Ms. King!

chupacabra said...

I fought back against the corporate pressure to give money to the United Way this year, but that was more about them than my finances.

Then thanks to the salary freeze I also have refused to donate anything to any of the other barrage of requests we get at work.

I quit giving money to my alma mater. It seemed stupid anyway since I still owe money on my student loans.

In the end its going to be a push though because I'v been donating pet food so people who lose their jobs can keep their pets.